Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Shadow Proves the Sunshine

The past two days were beautiful. It felt like Winter was trying to pack up and move on out for the next resident to move in. That resident being Spring. Spring is welcomed to move in whenever it wants. Hopefully sooner rather than later. Winter has been brutal to us this year and quite frankly, I'm over it. I know it could be worse. Like blizzard of 1993 worse. That happened in the middle of March. Please don't let there be a repeat. The snow we had a few weeks ago was fun to wake up to, take a few pictures, and play in with the dogs for a while. And even better was the fact that school was cancelled and the roads were too bad for me to make the 30-45 minute commute to work.

The Golden Puppy and her pink nose LOVED the snow.

But after a few hours, I was over it. Completely over it. Ready for summer. Ready for 110 degree weather. Ready for swimming and tanning. Ready for the beach. I would have done anything to be back in Arizona, laying in the middle of the road on Route 66 in 116 degree weather.


I was ready for the humidity. Ok, I'm never ready for the humidity. The humidity in Georgia sucks. But you get my point...I was ready for anything other than snow and ice! So where am I going with this? Well, after two days of beautiful weather, the cold has returned. And it brought a friend along with it. Rain. That's another resident that needs to pack up and move on out for a while. At least a few weeks. That's all I ask. And the temperature is supposed to drop below freezing tonight. 25 degrees is the low to be exact. It's been too warm for things to freeze, but still...the rain and cold, they do not mix. I need to take pictures for my photography class this weekend. And for these pictures I need light and shadows. Lots of them. You don't get light and shadows when it's raining. You get mud. So please, Lord, give me some sun. Give me some warmth.

Let the shadows prove the sunshine.

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