These lemons I speak of, they aren't so bad. The weather, those are my lemons as of late. I know, it could be so much worse and I shouldn't complain. But when did I come to hate winter so much? Because hate it I do. With a passion. There once was a time when I would get so excited about winter. I would anticipate it. Imagine wearing sweaters, scarves, boots, gloves, and hats. I would say, "Oh I can't wait for winter because winter equals good hair." But now, I could care less about those sweaters, scarves, boots, gloves, hats and the good winter hair. And actually, since I chopped all my locks off, summer no longer equals bad hair. And to be honest with you, I can probably count on one hand how many times I've actually worn sweaters this winter. Why? Because I'm not a fan. They're itchy and confining and bulky, and when you walk in a building where the heat is on, you get so HOT! So no, I'm not a sweater person. Not a sweater person at all. Layers it is for me. But I really am curious as to when this hate of winter began. Maybe it's because this winter has been unseasonably cold. Maybe it's my longing to move to Los Angeles with their amazing weather. Did you know it was 81 degrees there on Sunday? February 14th and it was 81 degrees. So. Jealous. Maybe I'm just being difficult. I’m probably just being difficult. I’m sorry for the complaining. Hopefully the weather will change soon. And then, I can talk about more exciting things. More talk, less complaints. That’s what I hope for soon. Until then, I’ll take these nasty weather lemons and wear something yellow. I’m addicted to all things yellow right now. Seriously, if I see it, I’m gonna want it. My favorite childhood book is “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.” You all know how it goes, If you give a mouse a cookie, he’s going to want a glass of milk to go with it. Well, if you show Jamie something yellow, she’s going to want to buy it. It started with my yellow Chuck Taylors.
And today, we met with Jessica, the girl designing our senior show cards, and guess what color was in them? Yep, yellow! How perfect is that? There are two rows of doors, all of them in black in white, and then there is one door painted yellow. Love. It. So. Much. Seriously, it's awesome! I'll share a picture when I get one. Until then, use your imagination and trust me when I say it's awesome. And as if it couldn't have been more perfect, I had on my yellow Chucks. And my yellow CK sweater shrug. It was meant to be. And if we stick with that card and those colors, my yellow Chucks just might have to make an appearance at my show. I so hope we stick with it.
So has life been giving you lemons? If so, take my word for it and wear something yellow. I promise it’ll brighten your day.
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